Täna on pühapäev, 19. mai 2024. Kell on 02:33.

Eestikeelsed raamatud

Võõrkeelsed raamatud
  Kunst, Disain, Arhitektuur
  Sõnaraamatud, Õpikud

Norman Foster

Norman Foster

Sir Norman Foster is one of Britain’s most talented and prolific contemporary architects. Some of the most challenging projects of the modern age count among recent commissions: from the reconstruction of the Reichstag in Berlin to Hong Kong International Airport.
This stunning book showcases in colour photographs, sketches, plans and models, Foster’s far-reaching genius, which combines peerless technological prowess with a global-minded design philosophy. It includes Foster’s newest work: the Valencia Congress Centre and the Great Court at the British Museum.

ISBN 0500281238

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